Monday, Feb. 16, 2004 - 2:09 p.m.

hello .. today is .. erm .. Monday i believe. Think i wrote Sat while Fran was out .. she did well at her comp .. she did a 50 back in 1.13 and a 50 free in 1.12! Im proud of her and it shows good hopes for the next few months too.

Tolday i went to the gym with Fran and sat feeling sorry for my self .. My friend Lizzie was there, she kept asking about work and telling my how much better she felt now she was doing 2 hours at the gym twice a week. I felt like such a fat idiot though. Frans instructor kept saying to me 'why dont you have a go' .. like how could Fran manage it all, and me looking perfectly normal be unable to? It makes me really mad though .. i really wanted to get up and either spend 20 mins trying to get down the fucking stairs or try and run next to this big old fat man who looked like he was taking it all in his stride :-@ It just makes me feel like a pathetic faliour as a human .. dont get me wrong, before i didnt do any exersice and i didnt go to the gym .. but that was MY CHOISE .. i dont ave that now, i dont get to deside if i sit on my fat ass growing my love handles and disfiguring my body to disgusting proportions .. if i wanted to .. on the other hand, i could just pop for a hard swim, or for a walk, or really want ever i wanted .. now i just to the first. Sickening.

This arvo i spoke to Jenny, that was lovely cos its been a while. I cant wait to see her next week, were going to spend Thursday together i hope, will be wonderful!
had a lil rest then went off to see the GP

Two and a half weeks of bleeding, and passing LARGE clots .. so bad that its waking me up hurting me. They said i had to start Tranexamic acid and Mefenamic acid, one stops clotting and things the blood and one helps to stop bleeding. Between them they should help every period. I have to take 1 three times a day, 1500mg each. Any one else taken em? He also told me to take my pill for 42 days running then take a 5-7 day break. I will do another three months and see how it all pans out. If that doesnt work i will try Merina a coil like thingy normaly given to people who've had children because its painful to put in if you've not had kids. But like the wisdom that is nikki said 'a bit of pain putting it in is worth it if you dont bleed for FIVE YEARS! Im seriously thinking about it :)

Tonight Fran is coming over, she has a prezzy from Louisa here, garlic doe balls!! yum yum ..

Paul is over tomorrow, but other thann that i need to stay in bed on Dr's orders till i stop bleeding!

right .. back to bed then . bye bye x x x x x x x

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� my full name is Jo. but my friends call me Purplysparkley. im a 20 year old living in Cambridge UK. born on 13-05-83. brown hair, brown eyes, pink wheel chair. love status: taken.

loves: The Angels ;o), chocolate, ER, summer, swimming, massages, friends, cable telly, music, Sarah McLachlan, GRRRLS, laughing, cuddeling, good company, and writing

hates: mean people, bitches, liars, mushrooms, most doctors, sunday drivers & spiders.

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