its a biggen ...
Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004 - 6:41 p.m.

evening .. a few events to tell you all about .. could be a long one ...

Yesterday me and Fran interviewed a ton of people for the PA job .. i saw 4 people who i really liked and i think i might ask them back for a second interview .. but i need something to do with them all .. may be go for coffee or something? .. suggestions??

All of a sudder at about 5 a migrain came on and i just had to kick everyone out .. i took asprin and slept for a couple of hours.

That night we were desiding if we were going to do valentines then (friday night) or if we should do it tonight (saturday night) .. the reason being .. Fran had a short course swimming copatition that she quite wanted to go to just to see what her times were like after her time out with her shoulder injury. It wasnt something she had to do though.
Any way, the main reason we wanted to do it one night or the other is because i had brought quite an expencive meal to cook for us .. and we were going to swop prezzys then. The problem was we thought the comp wasnt going to start till 7 so she wouldnt have been home for hours! But i was poorly Friday night .. what to do .. what to do ...

We desided on Friday night anyway so i jumped out of bed, grabbed a crutch (i can never walk after/with a head ache cos it sends my balance hay wire) and headded to the kitchen where i worked my magic on two lovely bits of ducks and some yummy potatos :-)

Fran made her way over in a beautiful outfit on ;) ;) .. a lovley bunch of flowers. I got out the starters and we swopped prezzys :-) Fran had already had her main prezzy, a white gold dimond ring .. but i had a few more to give her. She gave me a beautiful silver necklace (i love silver quwerky things!) & a really pritty silver box in a heart shape with stones in the top .. i really love it, its totally me! As a joke prezzy she also gave me a laughing buddah but thats far to long a story to tell you why its funny!!
I gave her a hand made card, box of thorntans chocolates, some pink underwear and a hand made box filled with love hearts and a heart shaped chocolate :-)

Tea was beautiful, despite my dropping a plate with the meat on :-( I had a little cry though cos the pain shocked me,i broke one of my fav plates and i felt like i'd ruined the evening :-( Not sure Fran liked it that much .. and she didnt like the pink champagnie!! I thought the chocolate mouse's would swing it but she didnt like that either .. deary me!
I guess the evening didnt get much better after that either :( .. We just went to bed in the end and i ended up im floods of tears after a massave lot of shooting pain down my arm .. it paralized my side for a few seconds. The rest of the night was spent tossing and turning in a lot of pain. Think we might have to keep the bed away from the wall when we have the bungalow so that if i cant sleep or she has to get up early so we dont disterb each other.

This morning we found out that Frans comp was actually at 3 this afternoon so i guess im a little peeved that we did that all when i was ill and it wasnt very nice. However, having said that its not 8pm and she's just called to say she wont be leaving for another half an hour and it will take her 45/60 mins to get home. I think were having a chianies tonight though.

Today is my two week anivesrciry of bleeding .. now dont get me wrong, this is not abnormal .. but im on the pill so any bleeding should be spotting and only last for a few days. This month's been the worst of the three .. i'v been bleeding at night, passing big clots and its been heavy. Today i though it had eased but as i was brushing my teeth, Fran came into the bath room and jumped when she pointed out i was standing in a puddle of blood .. kinda shocked me too. I was adviced to stay on bed rest so i didnt loose too much blood but i had a few things to do.

This morning my mouse died so i have a new cordless mouse and key board :-> .. popped to stapled with my sister. It was only �20 so if its fucked in a year i dont care! im hoping it might enable me to move about a little more too .. sitting on my bean bag would be nice.
then it was Iz's hair cut .. now this might sound really odd but i cant wash my hair very well at the moment cos of my bad arm .. so i asked the hairdresser to wash it for me .. she just washed it and tied it up for me .. im hoping if the hair tie stays in i will be ok for a few days. I cant tie my hair up at the moment you see!

Health wise my sitting ability is dropping rapidly, and so it holding my head .. im ok for about an hour but after that its killing me. My arms even more redundent than it was mainly cos the shooting pain is actually leaving it paralized for a few mins at a time. Its ok though :-) Pain is stil horrible, makeing my cry lots at the moment and thats very unlike me.
Also mu tummy's been quite dodgy .. i cant lie after eating cos im bringing it all up, im having terrible indigestion and naucia all the time. I still havent heard anything from my gastro Dr so i'l go back to the GP to talk about it all! The head aches are coming quite often stikll, sometimes comin on sudden, some times starting in the morning and taking all day to come on. The asprin is kinda doing something, but its another thing to see the Dr about. Fatuige, humm, quite bad, mainly in bed resting when im here .. but life has to go on eh! I'm sure it will level out when my pain does - just rest untill then!

Right, just incase i start hemoraging and passing out .. lol .. i'd best go back to bed!

I hope every one is ok .. im sending love to you all ;-)

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� my full name is Jo. but my friends call me Purplysparkley. im a 20 year old living in Cambridge UK. born on 13-05-83. brown hair, brown eyes, pink wheel chair. love status: taken.

loves: The Angels ;o), chocolate, ER, summer, swimming, massages, friends, cable telly, music, Sarah McLachlan, GRRRLS, laughing, cuddeling, good company, and writing

hates: mean people, bitches, liars, mushrooms, most doctors, sunday drivers & spiders.

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