is it me?
Friday, Aug. 29, 2003 - 11:14 p.m.

proud again ..

So after the shock of earlier in the week i have been trying to take it easy. Im suposed to be doing me exercies and resting my arms all i can. As you can tell im not doing very well on the resting frount .. thats unlike me! Im trying to keep driving to a mimimum as im not suposed to drive with my splints on and my wrists arnt really strong/pain free enough to drive for too long. Haveing said that im suposed to be driving to my mums on Friday!! Will have to see what my physio says about that ;o)
Im trying to ignor the pain mostly, i dont want things to get worse because i think they will, if that makes sence? Im going to rest them and keep the splints on as long as i need to then try and get them back to 'normal' strength.
I called Cal tonight, she asked if i wanted to type some work out for her and i said i shoudlnt be using my arms .. she went mad that thing had got worse, like i bring it on my self .. know what i mean? She worked out what i meant when i said the same thing was happening in the top of my spine and imediatly went off on one about how i should be working and doing something about it and that things wouldnt get that bed if i didnt let them .. but how much controle do we have? I know i have a fiar amount .. my walking used to be horrific, but i take special drugs and work hard so that i stand as straight as posible .. thing is people dont see the hard work you put in, they just see that you still walk with a wobble and assume your *letting* things be like that. I am the last person who wants to loose arms and head controle, but if it happens, if happens? Im sure i will cope, just like i'v coped this far and just how any one would cope in that situation. Years away though .. ISNT IT!! (lol)
Back to the Dr this week, finished steriods again and had an attack last night .. quite scary really, not had one is YEARS so didnt really know what to do! Any way, im still here so what ever happened it cant have been that bad eh! I think we need to look at my drugs this time rather than just putting me on steroids again and again (they make nerve pain worse too!) we shall see any whoooo.

So, PRIDE TOMORROW!!! WHAHAHAHAYYYYYY!! Im really excited! Debbie is coming in the morning to help me get my self sorted and Iz has agreed to PA for me for the day bless her :o) Fran is picking me up in her very luuuuvly new car at half 11 though so i shoudl hit the sack soon!
My little baby dyke (Alison) will be joining us at half 3 and 'taking over PAing' as she put it .. yeah yeah ali, what ever *wink wink, nudge nudge*
AND .. if we are all up for it (and i will be no matter how bad things get) im DE-splinting and going clubbing baby YEAH!!!! Dot Cotton is our once a month gay club in Cambridge and its a special pink picnic addition so i really want to go. Will be plenty of people from the past i hope & i havent been clubbing in AGES!!
I will be sure to take my camra and show you all the photos when i get them done. Im picking up photos from Manc tomorrow .. im excited!!

Ok, i have to call Nikki Sunday and make sure we are seeing each other this week. I also need to pay Debbie or she might think she is working for nothing!! I also have some cards to make, but that is proving VERY painful at the moment .. along with texting *shock horror!!*

Right kids, im off to bed, and dream of Jenny it seems .. as i have done every morning for the last week .. we had a kid yesterday morning :-s .. no comment!! >br>Take care, i'l be back soon!! x x x x x x x x x x

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� my full name is Jo. but my friends call me Purplysparkley. im a 20 year old living in Cambridge UK. born on 13-05-83. brown hair, brown eyes, pink wheel chair. love status: taken.

loves: The Angels ;o), chocolate, ER, summer, swimming, massages, friends, cable telly, music, Sarah McLachlan, GRRRLS, laughing, cuddeling, good company, and writing

hates: mean people, bitches, liars, mushrooms, most doctors, sunday drivers & spiders.

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