jesus this is all bollox
2003-06-27 - 12:47 p.m.

Evening campers

*health warning* - this is long and full of shit - unlike my normal diary entrys ;o)

God its been ages hasnt it. Well im back home from Glasgow :o(

I was interviewing all day Thursday, i saw about 8 people i think. Some of them didnt turn up .. rude .. but others were really good. I have hit a problem though cos there is one woman i really liked who cant start till September. Im not sure if i should ask the other woman i want to employ if she can wait till then too or if i should just get some one else. I have to have a quick think cos i should have let them know by today if they got it or not!! Im a bad person .. hey ho .. at least i know it!

It was a mad dash from the interviews to the air port with Ali driving at 3mph bless her ;o) we made it mind. I could hardly speak i was so weak from sitting all morning and the pain in my arms.

The flight up was fine, apart from me feeling like i was about blow up i was so over excited and nervious!

The que for the plane was unlike anything i had ever seen before, it was, in all seriousness, streching round the whole air port. There was thousends of people there. Luckely i told Ali to go and got some assistance, i got taken straight though then parked in the spastic waiting area untill they came back to take me to the flight.

Some old man was talking to me, but he got in trouble from his wife for paying more attention to me than her! I just backed away sloooooowly ;o)

I was *shuggled* up to the plan in the AmbiLift, its basicly a big ambulance on a lift that they pick you up in, drive you to the plain then lift you up to the door. They open the other door to where every one else is getting on and tip you out of your wheel chair and into a seat. I got the window seat :o)

I was in so much pain though i didnt last long, took a couple of pain killers & some bacclofen and was out for the count. Next thing i knew we were getting ready to land.

I was shuggled off and taken to baggage where Jenny jumped me from behind and near on killed me .. i could have burst i was so excited!!!!!!!!! Got my luggage and went out to find Clair who had driven round 7 times looking for a place to stop .. lol.

Got home and up the mountain to her frount door .. met her Ma & sister then sat down and had something to eat.

I dont really remember much more about that day actually .. im hoping it was filled with kissing and sleeping!!

Now this is where my days get a bit muddled, im not sure how long i had been there when we went to get the harry potter book -maddness- i think it was friday night though. It was so funny though, absolutly packed with people -wierdos- dressed up like harry potter people .. some had just come from a wedding so were in ball gownes and some were on there way back from a night out and a lil worse for wears!

I brought my sister Black Books on DVD for her birthday and i brought another Billy Connolly vid. "Then your toung trys to escape" .. he makes me laff so hard!

After a wee shop we wen to sit in the lobby bit at the frount of the shop to wait for the book. There was a big 3-2-1 and there every one bundled! I was sat on by a chienise man and tripped over by every one, quite funny really :oP Jenny did a runner to get the book then we waited to pay cos it was totally packed. (I'm not really sure why im telling you all this, seen as you already know it ..) A woman in a wheel chair took pitty on us and get her friends to buy the book for us, thank god, i think we'd still be there! It was funny though..

We rested the next few days, dont think either of us were up to anything really. Even tell was hard work sometimes .. mainly cos Jenny was there you understand! We popped in to town one day. I got some shortbread for Ali & some stuff to help her sleep. Not very scotish really, but i was kinda at a loss really!! In fact, Jenny brought more suvoniers than me ;o) Her and them bloomin coo's .. roflamo. We stopped for some lunch but had to head home quite quick after that .. things started faiding to blue -always a sign you should be in bed-

It was mailny resting and watching Billy Connolly stuff after that -


It was a really lovely week, its a shame the pain was so bad, it gets hard to keep a smile on things when your rolling round the bed at 3:30am!! Im not sure whats up with my back at the moment, this pain flair up has lasted a long time, its possible i'v hurt it and not noticed .. may be it wont go away and i'l just have to get used to the new levels. The pain in my arms is coming and going but the pain in my hands and wrists has got a lot more. Also in my thighs & joints. The main worry is my back though, feels like someones ripping it up. blah. I'v been so high on pain killers the last few days its really quite funny!

I was really ill last night, started to bleed but its worse than normal. I'v had fucked up problems sence i was 7 but they settled down a bit over the last year. May be im just having a little reminder of how things used to be so i dont get too complacent!! Any way, im loosing a lot of blood so i cant stay upright too long or i drop, and my head aches been so bad i'v been vomiting. I feel really really week today. I'v had a shower but that took it out of me so much i had to sleep for an hour just to be able to walk around again! .. god i do moan .. im sorry. Every one seems to be moaning at the moment, may be i should set an example and make my diary a happier place to be! hehe .. may be ;o)

Its Emma's mum's funeral today, im really worried how i'l cope, i mean, i will go no matter what but i dont want pass out or anything!! I know she wants me to go to the wake after but i really need to rest after sitting for that long, and i have to drive. Im sure i will be ok, im going for Su's sake, its going to be sad.

God, did i tell you about the flight home? Jesus .. talk about embarising!! There wasnt so much of a que this time, i was still taken straight though then put in starbucks wheree i had a mango and caffinee hit! Got on the plane no problems (apart from this man with a wooden leg stealing the window seat!) i read Harry Potter (yes i know i mentioned how sad it was and all that, but Jenny's assured me that its ok to read it, and seen as its about my intelectual level im sure it will be fine!) all the way back and before i knew it we were landing (we were early) but when we got there, there was no AmbiLift (standstead are the WORSE airport in the world according to the 'airhostest') We waited for about 20 and then they started to get cross cos there was a que of people waiting to get back on the plain! All of a sudden this man, who looked like osmabinladen turned up with a nervious looking side kick and said there wasnt one coming at all. So i said 'thats fine, i will make it down the stairs' but according to health and safty bollox i wasnt aloud :@ so they brought on this FUCKING STRECHER!! <--- in all seriousness, i nearly died. 'ITS FINE, I WILL GET DOWN THE STAIRS' but no, before i knew it the man with the beard had grabed me and started to strap me in. He tied my arms behind my back and started the bump me down the stairs .. i have never been sooooo embarised in all my life! The bastards. And standing at the side of the plain was about 400 people watching and pointing working out i was the reason they wernt already seated! jesus .. i hate STANDSTEAD!!

I popped to tesco on the way home with Alison, seen as i have no food in the house. I still dont. I dont know how i manage it really, i can spend 40pound and still have no food in the house. Its a jacket potato for tea tonight :o) Having said i have no food, i do have 4 tubs of ice cream .. apparently the only rule in life (according to Jenny) is, 'if in dought, eat some more ice cream' .. i like this rule <-- my diet doesnt however!

I have a few letters and cards to make/write/send this week, i also have 3 books on the go .. it never rains but it poors eh! I think tonight's task will be to finish my 'little light on spiritual law' that Cass got my for my birthday. Its been amazing to read, so much of it is true and i have learned so much. I have already started making some small positive changes. May not be noticable to every one but i notice them and it makes me feel better so thats the main thing! (i have how ever, failed on one, stopping swearing) *rolls eyes*

Next on my list to finish is Harry potter, im not sure if i will start the second one straight away, i will see how much i enjoy it. The other book i need to read i'v had for 2 years and i really feel its about time i got my ass into gear and read it!

Alison is away this week. She is dog sitting for a friend while they are away. Its really odd with out her here, although it has to be said im enjoying the time alone. Im a bit anti social unless its forced on me! But im just not up to convsation skills at the moment, my brain is totally out of it! She is popping over today to see me.

My sister went to stay with my mum yesterday, they are off to Canda in a few days to go see my other sister. Im not jelous. or anoyed. or hurt .. lol, no really im not. Actually, im not really bothered at all. Im not really bothered about much at the moment. blah <-- as my sister would put it.

I have to call Gemma tonight, me and her are going to a conrance in London on the 10th of July its a gay and disabled thingy, im sure i'v talked about it beofre. Any way, we need to make arangments for it and have a good catch up! I do like Gemma, she lives in Manchester. I'v knowen her years and years. We met on this pen pal connection for gay and lesbian people (its in my links) and we started e mailing .. we just kept in touch, its kinda cool. She is my longest standing internet friend :o)

Speaking of long standing friends, i hope Nikki is ok, she was taken in to hospital the other week with her poorly back, so she needs lots of gentil hugs. She gets her exam results today too .. Im thinking of uyou angel!! *crosses fingers & tows & thumbs* Its sad cos its her last few days at uni and every one is leaving :o( Her & Mark will still be there next year though :o)

Im going to have to go and see my dad at some point this week. I need some money and i expect he will be lonely with out Izzy for so long!

I have my hospital apointment on the 15th of July, and i have my MRI in september, but i just got a letter asking me to go for a scan and im not sure why. nob heads, they dont have a clue what there doing. Not even sure what scan it is? hey ho .. i dont wanna go ;o)

I have been writing this diary entry for the past day and a half, its really about time i finished it would you say? Jesus i hurt. <-- that was my last moan!

I hope Jenny gets there in one pice, i am thinking of you baby :-*

Love and bubbles to every one .. bum bum bum 'its the remix to ignition... ' (sorry) :oP

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filling in :-) - Thursday, Mar. 04, 2004

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� my full name is Jo. but my friends call me Purplysparkley. im a 20 year old living in Cambridge UK. born on 13-05-83. brown hair, brown eyes, pink wheel chair. love status: taken.

loves: The Angels ;o), chocolate, ER, summer, swimming, massages, friends, cable telly, music, Sarah McLachlan, GRRRLS, laughing, cuddeling, good company, and writing

hates: mean people, bitches, liars, mushrooms, most doctors, sunday drivers & spiders.

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