brooom broooom .. er, BYE!
Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003 - 11:05 a.m.

Oh, that wasnt quite the plan?

So, i went to BSL, after making my mind up i wasnt going to let the pain get the better of me. I go in and Chris (my Deaf tutor) signs to me that i need to call Beth (the hearing head of BSL) i signed why, whats the problem? And he says, just call Beth. Ok i think. Then he goes away and signs to another tutor about me .. I CAN UNDERSTAND YOU!! So he catches my eye and he comes over with the other tutor taking our class (who was brought up with speach but now uses BSL) he starts to sign that because i was ill and missed the stage one exam i cant come to this lesson, i sign back that beth said i could stay, do the exam in December .. if i fail i have to leave but if i pass i can carry on as normal. The other tutor cuts in and says, the problem is the class is so big we have had to make no exceptions :'-( I still havent managed to get hold of Beth .. im so cross with her, why didnt she call me? Rather than letting me turn up at college and look like a tit :@ .. and you know what its like when you have paranoia, as soon as he said it my head went mad 'its because your fat, they are all looking at you, no one believes your ill .. all the normal stuff ;o)

I started my A level yesterday, went in for 9 .. took me 45 mins to get out of Waterbeach though, might have to leave a lil erlier in future. Any way, it was cool cos there was already an LSA in there suposed to be helping some one else who didnt turn up so he helped me. I feel rather behind cos its years sense i'v done any biology, but im going to do it even if it fucking kills me! I'v just been out and brough 50pounds worth of books to help me along, thats my bed time reading!
I couldnt go in today because the Human biology class (my calss) was joinging the biology calss (with over 25 people in) so there wouldnt be any room for me, and there wouldnt be an LSA till next week either. Some one is making notes for me .. but it gives me a chance to catch up with some revision!

The stuff arived the the DVLA today. I cant remember if i'v told you about this or not? Basicly i never told the DLVA that i had become disabled .. and i never told my insurance people either :-s .. my Dr never really mentioned anything about it to me so i just carried on.
I needed my insurance documents to send the Ben at the garage so he could get my tax sorted, i explained to them that i needed it for my disabled tax (oops) then they went of on one asking why i'd never called before and so on. My insurance company then asked for a letter to explain why i'd not said anything before (why, im scared!) and said they wouldnt insure me untill i call the DVLA. So i did that and they have sent me a questionair asking about my health. I'v had to tell them about my blackouts because if i lie and they read my medical notes they wont let me drive .. so i told them that they stopped in Feb 02 .. and its not a lie, i'v never had one while driving and i cant remember the last time i had one. Any way, im praying they wont follow that up. Hummm .. im shitting it! Any way, now my insurance company have finaly said that they will insure me as long as i let them know as soon as i hear back from the DVLA (they could ban me from driving, put restrictions on my licance or may me reapply every year) Now we have the insurance details Ben should be able to send off for my tax and i should have the car some time next week .. although its looking like its going to be later rather than erlier. Im insured to drive the new one from Tuesday but have kept the old on insured untill the 4th of Oct just in case! .. im totally stressed about it all .. i'v just spent 9k, what if they say i cant drive? Its more likaly to be cos of my blackouts than my legs .. but like i;'v said, i'v not had one for ageeeeesss .. hope they see it like that!

Any way, the HMV sale starts today so im off to spend money i dont have .. i hate the guilty feeling .. ha, what am i saying, i never feel guilty! If i did then may be i wouldnt spend so much fucking money! lol, never mind eh! See you later peeps x x x x x x

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� my full name is Jo. but my friends call me Purplysparkley. im a 20 year old living in Cambridge UK. born on 13-05-83. brown hair, brown eyes, pink wheel chair. love status: taken.

loves: The Angels ;o), chocolate, ER, summer, swimming, massages, friends, cable telly, music, Sarah McLachlan, GRRRLS, laughing, cuddeling, good company, and writing

hates: mean people, bitches, liars, mushrooms, most doctors, sunday drivers & spiders.

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