one thing after another!!
2003-03-06 - 10:00 p.m.

Its been a while

Im soory its been a while, i wrote a really long entry about how ill Alison has been and how i spent the day screaming at doctors trying to get them to to things .. but i lost it all.

Im quite upset tonight, i cant really go in to detail here .. there have been a few things going on over the last few days that got me down & this is just the iceing on the cake! Hey ho .. must find them razor blades ;-)

Im really quite ill today .. i spent a night at 0% and i have never been so scared in my life. I guess its not really 0% but thats the best way to describe it .. i was halusnating & panicing & it was just the worse night i have ever had in my life .. and i'v had some bad nights!!

The hospital went ok i guess, she seemed to think that the specilist i saw in London was making a big fuss about nothing! She aobiousl didnt say that in so many words but it was along them lines. I dont think i will be given any follow up treatment, but we will see.

I have another hospital appoinemnt tomorrow, im not sure who is coming with me, if any one .. or if i will make it for that matter. But its taken 6 months to get this one so im going even if im on my death bed!!

Ok, im off to call Jen :-) she always cheers me up!

I will try and write again soon .. im really sorry i havent been able to keep up with any body's diarys lately either, i will get back on top of them soon!!

Love always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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� my full name is Jo. but my friends call me Purplysparkley. im a 20 year old living in Cambridge UK. born on 13-05-83. brown hair, brown eyes, pink wheel chair. love status: taken.

loves: The Angels ;o), chocolate, ER, summer, swimming, massages, friends, cable telly, music, Sarah McLachlan, GRRRLS, laughing, cuddeling, good company, and writing

hates: mean people, bitches, liars, mushrooms, most doctors, sunday drivers & spiders.

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